2017- 2022
In May 2017 Alexander Corporate Finance (“Acf”) and AC2M signed a joint mandated with the company to conduct a transformation process and the evaluation of strategic alternatives. Mr. Eduardo Souza (CFO) and Mr. João Carlos (COO) were selected and pointed as interim managers. CBRE was hired as real estate advisor (www.cbre.com.br).
The transformation process, among other objectives, achieved reversion of the negative operational cashflow, the payment of all debt obligation on due terms and conditions and outstanding improvement of service quality and clients' evaluations.
The project dedicated much attention on the realignment of the shareholders broken by an historic of events. The alignment was a precondition for a successful strategic solution.
In 2020 after a sequence of strategic alliances explored and not concluded by disagreements among shareholders the Covid pandemic hit drastically the hospitality sector. The company decided to close operations to preserve cash and the assets value.
In 2020 the company was successfully sold to a Financial Investor with full agreement among shareholders.